Residential Aged Care
Fees and Charges
The fees that you will pay will depend on the accommodation you choose and an assessment of your income and assets that is conducted independently by Centrelink.
Use the fee estimator on the My Aged Care website for an estimate of what your fees may be.
Basic Daily Care Fee
An amount that everyone pays for the day-to-day services they receive at the facilities.
Accommodation Costs
An amount that some people pay to contribute towards or cover the full costs of their room, depending on their means assessment.
Means Tested Care Fee
A contribution that some people pay toward the cost of their care, determined by a means assessment.
Beaufort Nursing Home
Beaufort Hostel
Skipton Nursing Home
Skipton Hostel
Beaufort and Skipton Health Service recommends that all prospective residents seek independent financial advice to determine a suitable payment option for your individual circumstance.