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The event, held at the Skipton campus, drew a good crowd from across the region, all eager to learn more about managing the impact of Dementia on their loved ones and communities.

Guest speaker, Anne Tudor OAM, Victorian Senior of the Year in 2021 and Dementia Advocate, delivered a powerful and personal presentation that resonated with the audience. With many attendees having personal connections to the disease, either as caregivers or individuals trying to understand its effects. Attendees noted how invaluable Anne’s insights were as she shared with the audience. CEO, Meryn Pease, who also has personal experience with Dementia in her family, praised Anne’s presentation for its practical and down to earth approach.

Health Service staff members in attendance also praised the forum for its focus on the emotional and practical aspects of Dementia, rather than just the scientific. “It’s important to address the heart of the problem, as that’s where many people struggle with Dementia,” one attendee noted. “Our commitment to doubling down on Dementia education and awareness is so important, and events like this forum are crucial in providing support and resources to those affected by this challenging disease” Ms Pease added.

Following the presentation, attendees enjoyed a morning tea and had the opportunity to speak with Anne, one on one, gaining further insights and information. The Health Service plans to host similar forums in the future to ensure that the Beaufort and Skipton communities have the tools and resources they need to address any health concerns and welcome any topic suggestions for future events.

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