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We are very proud to announce that we are compliant with all eight standards. Congratulations to the team for all their heard work in achieving such an excellent result.

Comments in the report include

  • Consumers and representatives reported they are treated with respect and kindness by staff at the service
  • Consumers receive individualised safe and effective personal care with risk management strategies, documentation and communication processes in place
  • All consumers and representatives were satisfied they received clear and timely information from the service. They said they received a monthly statement, which is easy to understand
  • Consumers and their representatives expressed confidence staff identify and respond to consumer deterioration or change promptly
  • Consumers stated they were genuinely impressed and pleased with staff performance

Comments during the assessment included

  • How welcoming and helpful the staff were
  • How consumers told the assessors how supported they feel and how wonderful the Case Managers are
  • That there was generally really good assessment and planning
  • Clients feel involved in their own care
  • Privacy is well respected, and staff do not talk about other clients when visiting

Care Opinion Australia
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